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How to Delegate tokens?

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Our mixnode Identity key is  47YhxJmSVseDUmQG6XBRJux16nFPLoSqCk2Pc9ztLh1J


Step by step guide on how to delegate to NYM-STAKING.

Step 1: Log in to your NYM wallet with mnemonic or with your password.

Step 2: On the left hand menu, click “Delegation”

Step 3: Click the orange button “Delegate” on the upper right corner.

Step 4: In the “Node Identity Key” field, use our mixnode identity key 47YhxJmSVseDUmQG6XBRJux16nFPLoSqCk2Pc9ztLh1J

Step 5: Under “Amount”, enter the amount of NYM tokens you want to delegate to us.

Step 6: Click “Delegate Stake” and you are done.


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Will be updated with some with videos…..